Saturday 3 August 2013

Senator Heidi Heitkamp?s Twitter Town Hall Bombs

Despite being heavily touted in the media, and by Senator Heidi Heitkamp herself, her ?Twitter town hall? held yesterday morning (in lieu of actual, in-person town halls of which the Senator has scheduled exactly zero) was an absolute bomb.

By my count, Senator Heitkamp answered about 10 questions during the morning session before she claimed she had to go vote (which does match up with the Senate?s first vote of the day yesterday).

Senator Heitkamp asked participants to use the #AskHeidiH hashtag. A review of posts using that hash tag shows about ten people, other than Heitkamp herself, using it to ask questions. The whole boring belly flop lasted about 30 minutes.

I recognized at least one Democrat district chairman, and a Democrat state legislator, in the questioners, so I think it?s safe to call them plants aimed at boosting the appearance of participation.

In the afternoon Senator Heitkamp answered about a half-dozen more questions, but it was clear that Heitkamp?s effort to promote this thing didn?t get a lot of traction with the public. Which isn?t surprising. North Dakota has been one of the slowest states to adopt Twitter.

This event might have been fine if Senator Heitkamp was scheduling other town hall events (especially of the in-person variety), but she?s not. It seems she?s hoping to get away with chatting with a few random citizens, and a couple of her fellow Democrats, on Twitter and calling it good.

That shouldn?t be good enough.

In related news, the question from Grand Forks city councilman Tyrone Grandstand about whether or not higher education should be ?free? was just plain precious:

Someone should remind Councilman Grandstand that nothing is ?free.? Someone always pays.


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