Friday 5 October 2012

Incline superset:Bodybuilding Exercise | Bodybuilding, Supplements ...

Here is a great chest superset you can do at home with a cheap dumbbell set. Big gyms are nice but when you can get a killer workout at home without the overhead of getting to and from the gym. In this chest superset I am going to do incline press followed immediately by an incline fly variant. Make sure and use a really light weight on the flys so you can maintain good form.

As with all dumbbell exercises, form is key if you want to maximize your muscle building efforts and minimize the chance of injury. Don?t use too much weight, if you can?t do the exercise slowly then you need to go lighter. Count aloud ?one onethousand, two onethousand, three onethousand? on the way up and the way down, if you cant do this on this exercise then you are using too much weight. The reason this exercise method maximizes your muscle growth is because it confines the motion to the muscle you are trying to work out, if your body squirms, swings, and kicks, all you are doing is taking the focus away from the muscle you are trying to exercise.

Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn?t have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts.

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